Dr. Saran Donahoo | EAHE | SIU

Southern Illinois University



Educational Administration and Higher Education

Dr. Saran Donahoo


Saran Donahoo

Phone: 618-453-6077
Email: donahoo@siu.edu
Office: 223S Wham

  • Director, College Student Personnel Program


  • Ph.D., Higher Education Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • A. M., History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • B. A., Secondary Education, University of Arizona

Scholarly Interests

  • Educational legal and policy issues, K-16/P-20 systems, the impact of spirituality and religion on educational experiences, the preparation and socialization of student affairs professionals, graduate education, and diversity and equity issues.

Selected Books

  • Donahoo, S., & Hunter, R. C. (Eds.). (2007). Teaching leaders to lead teachers: Educational administration in the era of constant crisis.London, England: Elsevier Science, Ltd. 

Selected Articles

  • Donahoo, S., & Caffey, R. A. (2010, January-April). A sense of home: The impact of church participation on African American college students. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 19(1), 79-104.  
  • Donahoo, S., & Lee, W. Y. (2008, September). Serving two masters: Quality and conflict in the accreditation of religious institutions.Christian Higher Education, 7(4), 319-336.
  • Donahoo, S. (2008, February). Reflections on race: Affirmative action policies influencing higher education in France and the United States.Teachers College Record, 110(2), 251-277.
  • Donahoo, S. (2006, November). Derailing desegregation: Legal efforts to end racial segregation in higher education before and after Brown.Equity & Excellence in Education, 39(4), 291-301.
  • Hunter, R. C., & Donahoo, S. (2005). All things to all people: Special circumstances influencing the performance of African American superintendents. Education and Urban Society, 37(4), 419-430.
  • Hunter, R. C., & Donahoo, S. (2004). The implementation of Brown in achieving unitary status. Education and Urban Society, 36(3), 342-354.
  • Hunter, R. C., & Donahoo, S. (2003, Nov.). The nature of urban school politics after Brown: The need for new political knowledge, leadership, and organizational skills. Education and Urban Society, 36(1), 3-15.
  • Brown, M. C., Donahoo, S., & Bertrand, R. D. (2001, Nov.). The black college and the quest for educational opportunity. Urban Education,36(5), 553-571. 

Editorial Experience

  • Associate Editor for Media Reviews, Journal of Student Affairs Research & Practice, 2010-Present

Professional Affiliations

  • American Educational Research Association (AERA)
  • Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE)
  • Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA)

Courses Taught

  • EAHE 501 – Administrative Tasks and Processes
  • EAHE 513 – Organization and Administration in Higher Education
  • EAHE 528 – Finance in Higher Education
  • EAHE 535B – Legal Issues in Higher Education
  • EAHE 551 – Policy and Politics in American Educational Systems
  • EDUC 510 – Introduction to Doctoral Studies