Educational Administration & Higher Education | SOE | SIU

Southern Illinois University



Educational Administration and Higher Education

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We are preparing practitioners who are interested in working in leadership positions in the public schools, higher education institutions, and public and private agencies. Such leaders should be thoroughly grounded in the knowledge base, theoretical models, research paradigms, practical applications, and ethical implications of their respective career paths.

We strive to provide a balanced mix of theory with practice. In addition to being excellent teachers, our faculty is involved in research as part of the larger scholarly community and in service with practitioner groups on a state, regional, and national basis. Nine full-time faculty members, specializing in K-12 administration, higher education administration, community colleges, student affairs, research methodology, and education foundations/cultural studies, provide the instruction for these programs. The Educational Administration and Higher Education program also typically employs adjunct professors, who serve as practicing administrators in both the K-12 and higher education arenas, to provide a real world perspective to your academic preparation.

Our alumni hold positions of prominence around the world in every administrative position from school principal to university president. If you are interested in joining this group of leaders, do not hesitate to contact us regarding information about admission.