Doctoral Degree Requirements | EAHE | SIU

Southern Illinois University



Educational Administration and Higher Education

Degree Requirements

Below are the required courses for the Ed.D. You can also view the course sequence.

Professional Core I (12 hours)

  • EAHE 502 Administrative Leadership and Practices (introduction course to the Ed.D. program) 3 hours
  • EAHE 500 Educational Research Methods 3 hours
  • EAHE 544 Education and Culture 3 hours
  • EAHE 551 Policy and Politics in American Education Systems 3 hours

Professional Core II-A - EAHE (12 hours)

  • EAHE 520 Current Issues in Educational Administration
  • EAHE 555 Leadership and Change in Education 3 hours
  • EAHE 564 Seminar in Ethics and Social Justice in Education 3 hours
  • EAHE 567 Assessment and Evaluation 3 hours

Professional Core II-B - SPED (12 hours)

  • SPED 505 Organizing and Implementing Early Childhood Special Education Programs 3 hours
  • SPED 578 Legal Framework for Special Education Services 3 hours
  • SPED 582 Theories and Models in Special Education 3 hours
  • SPED 585 Evaluation in Special Education 3 hours

Professional Core II-C - Teacher Leadership (12 hours)

  • CI 508 Systematic Observation and Analysis of Instruction 3 hours
  • CI 536 Partnerships/Mentoring the New Professional 3 hours
  • CI 575 Critical Issues in Instructional Supervision 3 hours
  • CI 576 Critical Issues in Teacher Education 3 hours

Professional Core III - Internship (3 hours)

  • EAHE 597 Superintendent Internship
  • EAHE 598 Higher Education Internship
  • SPED 595C Internship in Special Education 3 hours
  • CI595T - Teacher Education Internship

Electives Core IV (9 hours)

Research Core V (6 hours)