William Crimando | Rehabilitation Institute | SIU

Southern Illinois University



College of Education and Human Services

William Crimando

Ph.D., Counseling, Professor

William Crimando

Program Affiliation: Rehabilitation Administration & Services
Office: 333A Rehn Hall
Phone: (618) 453-8293
E-mail: crimando@siu.edu

Specializations: Staff Training and Development, Placement of Persons with Severe Disabilities, Computers in Rehabilitation, Leadership

Dr. William Crimando is a Professor and Coordinator of the Rehabilitation Administration and Services Program at the Rehabilitation Institute, Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He received his doctorate in Counseling from Michigan State University (1980). He has served as a consultant to state rehabilitation agencies in Illinois, Minnesota, Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin, and to rehabilitation facilities in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Minnesota, both privately, and in his role as coordinator of the innovative Concentrated Rehabilitation Training Program. He has served as president of the Illinois Rehabilitation Administration Association. Dr. Crimando has given numerous national, state, and local presentations, workshops, and seminars in such areas as performance appraisal, staffing, team building, leadership, change management, behavior change strategies, staff training, as well as in his research specialties. He has directed four federal grants in Job Development and Placement, and Rehabilitation Administration and Supervision. He was awarded the National Rehabilitation Administration Association Lorenz Research Award in 1990, the College of Human Resources Dean's Research Award in 1988, and the CHR Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award in 1986. In 1997, he was named Rehabilitation Institute Teacher of the Year.Bill has had 60+ articles published in rehabilitation professional journals such as Journal of Rehabilitation Administration, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, and Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling. He has published five books in the areas of staff training, sexual harassment, staffing, and community resources, and is currently co-editing a sixth. He has served on the prime study groups for the 18th Institute on Rehabilitation Issues Human Resources Systems in Rehabilitation, as well as the 20th IRI Guidance Services and Counseling in Rehabilitation. His research specialties include change management, computers in rehabilitation, staffing needs, training needs, and turnover.