Superintend Course Sequence | EAHE | SIU

Southern Illinois University



Educational Administration and Higher Education

Updated Course Sequence - Effective 2024

Superintendent Endorsement 

Year Semester Credits


Course Title

1st Year


Fall 3 EAHE 551 Policy and Politics in American Education Systems
Fall 3 EAHE 557 Program Development and Evaluation
Spring 3 EAHE 543 Collective Bargaining
Spring 3 EAHE 555 Leadership and Change in Education Organizations
Summer 3 EAHE 558 Personnel Evaluation and Administration
Summer 3 EAHE 597 Superintendent Internship (may be taken over up to three semesters)

2nd Year

Fall 3 EAHE 550 School Business Administration
Fall 3 EAHE 556 The School Superintendent and Board of Education
Spring 3 EAHE 569 School Operations and the Law

Additional Course Requirements (9 hours): (These courses are required if student did not complete them as part of the Principal Endorsement program.)

Credits Course Number Course Title
3 *EAHE 521 Leadership and Equity: Special Populations
3 *EAHE 523 Effective Management and Operations: Finance, Facilities, Technology & Grants
3 *EAHE 538 Education and Social Forces

* If not completed for Principal Preparation Program